UX Upgrade Changelog Notes
Version 1.3.4 (12 October 2022)
New Features:
The plugin is now available as a demo version.
Changes and Updates:
License headers were added to all files.
The plugin was moved to a new, separate repository for better organization.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed an issue on the settings page where logo or login images could not be saved immediately after plugin installation.
Version 1.3.5 (27 October 2022)
Bug Fixes:
Style updates were implemented.
Removed Select2 from selects on the workflows edit page to resolve compatibility issues.
Fixed the subtask link on the task show page to correctly reference the subtask instead of the parent task.
Version 1.3.6 (9 December 2022)
New Features:
German translation added.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed the sticky bar with controls for long pages where the bar failed to appear due to delayed loading of components.
Version 1.3.7 (25 January 2023)
Changes and Updates:
Added project controls to the new and edit repository form submit buttons.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed paths to logo and login images for better compatibility with Docker Redmine.
Resolved an issue where the repository page did not update after the repository type was changed.
Version 1.3.8 (20 March 2023)
Bug Fixes:
Fixed the new entity menu to display only relevant options based on user permissions.
Hidden estimated and spent time in the project aggregator panel for users without view permissions.
RedmineX Theme is now only copied and set during the first installation or version updates to prevent redundant actions.
Fixed the loading of default settings into the database.
Updated styles.
Version 1.3.9 (27 April 2023)
Changes and Updates:
Simplified view templates by replacing form controls with JavaScript functionality.
Updated styles for consistency.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed the copying of RedmineX Theme to the public folder after a new host was created.
Restored the attachment form to its original position on the new issue page to prevent issues with disappearing attachments.
Version 1.3.10 (12 October 2023)
New Features:
Added the ability to change the color of the New Entity menu icon and dropdown via plugin settings.
Changes and Updates:
Partial compatibility added with the Additionals plugin for handling Redmine root redirects.
Select2 boxes were added to milestone, category, and done ratio fields on the new/edit issue page.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed the initialization method for setting RedmineX Theme, which caused errors in some cases.
Resolved issues with Select2 boxes reverting to standard selects after project, tracker, or status changes.
Fixed the top menu Issues link to correctly navigate between project-specific and global views.
Replaced deprecated methods for compatibility with Ruby 3.2.
Resolved issues with duplicate or missing save buttons in project settings due to JavaScript conflicts.
Version 1.3.11 (7 December 2023)
Changes and Updates:
Updated copyright headers for 2024.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed style issues with the RedmineX Issue List Inline Edit, particularly with column spacing.
Version 1.3.12 (15 April 2024)
New Features:
The color of the project new entity button now matches the top menu’s new entity button and can be configured in plugin settings.
Added support for the Redmine Reporting plugin to display the issue workflow button on the issue edit page.
Bug Fixes:
Enhanced Projectino controls for compatibility with Redmine Local Avatars.
Fixed the custom field modification page to ensure the Add button functions correctly.
Resolved issues with the top menu Spent Time link to correctly navigate between project-specific and global views.
Fixed highlighting of the Projects menu item to correctly display for admin and favorite project pages.
This version avoids ticket references, organizes content into clear sections, and maintains a professional tone for usability.
Polished UI in general.
Added icons.
Added styles & js for Project Templates plugin.
Select2 removed for some filters as it was causing errors.
Issue detail UI fixes.
Modal window: enabled vertical overflow.
Update of styles for new versions of various RedmineX plugins (Gantt, Resources, Project Templates).
!projectino.css and !redminex.css files renamed and moved to assets/stylesheets (simpler solution + fixes problems with Bitnami).
Registration of menu items slightly reworked, menu items can be registered only once (fixes problem with Bitnami).
Client.css file can be used to add client specific css.
Login screen background image now can be changed in the plugin settings.
Agile My Page css fix - Save and Cancel buttons (in Filters section) were misaligned.
Style updates.
Task attachments list is now collapsible.
JS now organized in modules, theme.js removed from the RedmineX theme and integrated with other JS modules.
Select boxes are replaced by select2 boxes in most places.
Style upgrades for filters.
Sidebar plus button icon updated.
Other style corrections and upgrades.
Style corrections and upgrades.
New styles for favorite projects and additionals plugins.
Top projects in Favorite projects are now closed by default (state of the branches is saved to the local storage).
Upgraded styles.
Closing the My Page block requires confirmation.
Custom logo on the login page - displaying of the logo is no longer dependent on authentication of the user.
The project aggregator now includes info about the project start and end (calculated from the project entities). Progress bar and project created on was removed.
Upgraded styles.
Closing the My Page block requires confirmation.
The project aggregator now includes info about the project completion by % Done.
Plugin is ready to be deployed on sub-uri (www.redmine.com/xxx/).
Css updates.
Order of attachements on the show issue page reversed (newest are on top now).
Project copy function now available in the project context menu (on the show project page).
Sss updates.
Number of items in the project menu can be set in administration of the plugin.
First version of UX Upgrade plugin with RedmineX branding.