Redmine vs Asana – What If There Was An Alternative?

Thankfully, your options are greater these days. You don't have to choose Redmine vs Asana as your primary project management tool. We propose an alternative. Redmine, but better. It's called RedmineX Upgrade…

  • The most ambitious Redmine upgrade today

  • Improved interface, UX and features that save you time

  • Company logo upload finally possible

  • Better, vertical menu

  • Additional plugins

  • 100% mobile

  • And more...

Curious to try this for yourselves? Then don't think twice to get a free trial version of RedmineX Upgrade. You decide later whether this suits you.

  • Saas

  • Redmine 5.x

  • 100% Open Source

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Redmine X vs Asana And Other Project Management Software

Open Source tool
Task & time tracking
Finance management
Advanced Resource management
Interactive Gantt chart

All Plugins For One Price, No Project Limits, No Tricks

2 .50
for a user/month

Openproject vs Redmine X – Our Clients Made Their Choice. Hear Them Out.

Although Asana is a very good tool, the price is compasred Redmine X is 4 times higher and since Redmine X has Resource Management & HelpDesk tools, the choice was easy.

Ing. Jakub Rotrekl, PhD.
secretary INWIZ FINANCE s. r. o.

Collab tools are now being simplified which is OK but managers like myself are not able to see what their employees are doing. Thanks to RedmineX and their resource planning, we are able to plan our resources effectively and thanks to their mobile interface, our technicians can log their work from anywhere.

Jaroslav Hanzlík
sales & marketing director Blue Technology

Redmine, Asana… And Now For Something Different

RedmineX Upgrade is the fruit of our years-long labour and experience in developing Redmine plugins. It represents a step forward from some of the more outdated and clunky Redmine features, while retaining all that you love about this software.

By choosing it, you're also choosing:

  • Mobile-friendly UI

  • A new Redmine theme

  • New button

  • Vertical menus

  • Improved project menu

  • Resource management, Gantt chart and other RedmineX plugins available

Hosting Service is Also Available

If you don't have your own server capacity to run this plugin, we also offer our own, secure hosting service that you can take advantage of. It includes not just the RedmineX Upgrade, but also other plugins such as RedmineX Gantt Chart, Resource Management and more.

Smooth Asana Transition to Redmine With Michael From RedmineX

Try All Redmine X Plugins

online demo  |  totally FREE

Source? *

How Does The Demo Work?

  1. Login Credentials
    After submitting the form, you will be redirected to a page with login credentials.

  2. One Demo For All
    The demo site is available for all users and the database is being reset every full hour. You can do anything, but the data you enter will eventually be reset. You can ask for a dedicated demo if you‘re interested in keeping the data, or testing more thoroughly.

  3. We are Here For You
    Michael is ready to help you with any request, set the demo for you so it suits your company or team.