Redmine X Project Templates Changelog

Project Templates Changelog Notes

Version 1.2.4 (5 November 2024)

  • Bug Fixes:

    • Fixed a PostgreSQL error caused by the presence of the rx_project_template column in queries.

    • Corrected the “Save & New” button on the new project template page to redirect to a new template page instead of a regular project page.

    • Addressed an issue where the default rx_project_template filter was automatically reapplied on the issues page after a reload, even if manually removed by the user.

  • Changes and Updates:

    • Added the rx_project_template column directly to IssueQuery and ProjectQuery instead of through the available_columns method.

    • During plugin uninstallation, project templates are archived, and rx_project_template filters and columns are removed from saved queries.

Version 1.2.3 (27 August 2024)

  • Bug Fixes:

    • Resolved an internal error (500) on the issue index when the “Template tasks” column was added. This column now correctly indicates whether an issue belongs to a project template.

Version 1.2.2 (20 August 2024)

  • Changes and Updates:

    • Added an index to the rx_project_template column in the Projects table to improve loading times on the issues index page.

    • Introduced a template issues query column in IssueQuery, allowing users to include or exclude project template issues in issue listings. The default filter now excludes template issues by default.

  • Bug Fixes:

    • Fixed the new project action menu (“Clean project” and “From a template”) issue that occurred when the Redmine Favorite Projects plugin was installed.

Version 1.2.1 (21 May 2024)

  • Changes and Updates:

    • Improved styling for project template items on the projects admin page using the Deface gem, ensuring compatibility with Redmine 5.0.X and lower while leaving Redmine 5.1.X and higher unchanged.

  • Bug Fixes:

    • Fixed the new project action menu (“Clean project” and “From a template”) on the projects index page, which was unavailable if the Redmine Favorite Projects plugin was installed.

Version 1.2.0 (1 February 2024)

  • New Features:

    • Implemented a template attribute as a ProjectQuery filter and column, allowing projects to be filtered and grouped based on whether they are templates. The default project query excludes template projects by default.

  • Bug Fixes:

    • Ensured compatibility with Redmine 5.1.X by resolving a ProjectQuery issue on the project admin page that previously caused a 500 error.

Version 1.1.2 (29 November 2022)

  • New Features:

    • Introduced a demo version of the plugin.

    • Changes and Updates:

    • Reorganized JavaScript for improved structure and maintainability.

Version 1.1.1 (25 July 2022)

  • Changes and Updates:

    • Updated support for the Zeitwerk autoloader.

  • Bug Fixes:

    • Fixed the “Save as template” functionality by correcting hard-coded button paths, ensuring compatibility with Redmine instances hosted on sub-URIs.

Version 1.1.0 (28 April 2022)

  • New Features:

    • Updated project shift methods to adjust issue dates (start or due dates) and version effective dates only when they are present.

    • Added support for Redmine 5.0.0.

  • Bug Fixes:

    • Fixed a compatibility issue in ApplicationHelperPatch where the filter method was replaced with the select method to support Ruby versions older than 2.6.

Version 1.0.2 (12 January 2022)

  • Bug Fixes:

    • Fixed conflicts between inherited members from parent projects and members copied from templates when creating a new project from a template.

Version 1.0.1 (10 January 2022)

  • Bug Fixes:

    • Resolved an issue where creating a new project from a template or a new template from an existing project caused a 500 internal error if saving failed due to a non-unique identifier. Users are now returned to the project creation screen with an error message.

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