How To Update Redmine X Resources

1. Go To /plugins

Remove the redmine_x_resources folder and the common redmine_x_assets folder.

2. Removing Leftovers

Make sure you also removed any leftovers located in /public/plugin_assets - delete the redmine_x_resources folder and the common redmine_x_assets folder. The RedmineX Assets plugin creates shared assests between Gantt & Resources.

3. Install Assets Again

Unzip the NEW redmine_x_assets and upload it to redmine_root/plugins or upload the archive in the same location and perform the unzip command in the console. Do NOT change the plugin folder name.

4. Install Gems

From redmine_root run bundle install.

5. Migrate

Run the migration command bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production.

6. Install Resources Again

Unzip the redmine_x_resources and upload it to redmine_root/plugins or upload the archives in the same location and perform the unzip command in the console. Do NOT change the plugin folder name.

7. Install Gems

From redmine_root run bundle install.

8. Migrate

Run the migration command bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production.

9. Upload Public Holidays Calendar

Run the calendar command bundle exec rake redmine:redmine_x_assets:initialize_holidays RAILS_ENV=production to load holidays (if not installed during a previous Gantt update).

10. Restart

Restart Redmine. Based on your hosting provider / web server, you will need to run the following commands. Puma: sudo systemctl restart or Passenger: touch tmp/restart.txt.

Need Assistance?

No worries, Just contact Denis at HelpDesk and he will help you with any trouble.