How To Update Redmine X Agile My Page

1. Go To /plugins

Remove the redmine_x_agile_my_page folder and upload the unziped folder of the new version. Alternatively, you can copy the archive in the same location and perform the unzip command in the console.

2. Removing Leftovers

Make sure you also removed any leftovers located in /public/plugin_assets - delete the redmine_x_resources folder and the common redmine_x_assets folder. The RedmineX Assets plugin creates shared assests between Gantt & Resources.

3. Install Assets Again

Make sure you also removed any leftovers located in /public/plugin_assets - delete the redmine_x_agile_my_page folder.

4. Install Gems

From redmine_root run bundle install.

4. Restart

Restart Redmine. Based on your hosting provider / web server, you will need to run the following commands. Puma: sudo systemctl restart or Passenger: touch tmp/restart.txt.

Need Assistance?

No worries, Just contact Denis at HelpDesk and he will help you with any trouble.