How To Install Redmine X Agile My Page
1. Go To Root & Unzip
Unzip the archive and upload the folder redmine_x_agile_my_page to redmine_root/plugins or upload the archive in the same location and perform the unzip command in the console. Do NOT change the plugin folder name.
2. Install Gems
From redmine_root run bundle install. No need for any migration (rake).
If the gems were installed correctly, this is roughly what you should see.
3. Migrate
un the migration command bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production.
If the migration didn't go well, you will see something like this. This means you need to install the RedmineUP Agile FREE or PRO first. If th emigration went well, you can skip to point 4.
4. Restart
Restart Redmine. Based on your hosting provider / web server, you will need to run the following commands. Puma: sudo systemctl restart or Passenger: touch tmp/restart.txt.