Export can now be enabled or disable in gantt. This is a workaround for situations where the js export library is unavailable on the dhtmlx servers and it significantly delays gantt loading.
If there was no task in the project, the project was not displayed in the gantt at all, because the displayed projects are obtained from the tasks. Now the project is displayed in the local gantt (but not in global).
Requirements: RedmineX Assets v2.0.2.
Support for individual user or group calendars including:
Detailed settings of global calendar and user calendars with the option to select public holidays of the specified country (RedmineX Assets plugin).
Display of non-working days (public holidays and vacations) for each task (according to the assigned user).
Shift linked tasks according to their individual calendars.
Shift projects with respect to the task calendars.
Zoom levels reworked:
Name of the levels now correspond to the time unit displayed on the timeline.
Second timeline unit comes always from the higher zoom level (e.g. week for the 'day' level).
Quarter timeline unit added.
Support for shared milestones added:
Shared milestones are displayed for all projects they are shared with.
On the global gantt, a shared milestone can be displayed in multiple projects. In this case, moving one of these milestones will move all the others.
New milestone filter added to the 'Filters' box to show all, only open, only closed or selected milestones.
Toolbar height fixed when sidebar is closed.
Requirements: RedmineX Assets v2.0.0.
Toolbar is now smaller (in height) and therefore the gantt window can be larger.
RedmineX Gantt is now compatible with the following themes: Default, A1, Abacusmine, Alternate, Boostmine, Circle, Classic, Highrise, Minelab, Purplemine2, Zenmine.
Translations error fixed (locale strings were not distributed between RedmineX Gantt and RedmineX Resources correctly - resources didn't work without gantt).
Gantt is now split into two plugins.
Shared milestones are now displayed in all projects with which they are shared.
Displaying of closed milestones can be set in the plugin administration.
Scheduling in the grid fixed.
Milestone warning fixed when whole project is shifted.
Loading of users from the server optimised.
Loading of issues from the server optimised.
Gantt can be now filtered using Redmine query. Query can be saved and edited using the Redmine modal or loaded from the Redmine sidebar.
Projects can be moved along with all its issues and milestones to the future or past.
New issues are not crossed out in the grid (opened flag is set for them, when they are created).
Only links that connect tasks that are both visible on the chart, will be loaded from the server.
Styling issues concerning toolbar and sidebar fixed.
User list query optimized.
Jquery datepicker error fixed (error 500 if the jquery datepicker translation file was not available).
Jquery datepicker error fixed (error 500 if the jquery datepicker translation file was not available).
Different style of closed tasks (crossed out) in the grid.
Slow loading of tasks from the server.
Parent task of a task can be changed within the tasks project using lightbox.
Parent milestone of a task can be changed within the tasks project using lightbox.
Collapse all/Expand all buttons added (to expand/collapse all items in the grid).
Grid items with children now show number of subitems (next to the name).
If there are unsaved changes on gantt, user receives warning before he/she leaves the page.
All dates on gantt are now in the same format as in Redmine (they respect the settings in Redmine).
If the tasks end date gets after its milestones effective date, a warning is displayed.
Assignee selection is now via select2 select box and the items (assignees) in the box are hiearchized (Group -> User).
Link to the gantt documentation fixed.
Full support of derived parent tasks.
Major style upgrade.
Move to task and select task when task is clicked.
Number of tasks displayed in the grid.
Full support of PG DB.
SQL queries rewritten in AREL.
Task can be assigned in the lightbox, including author.
User in a different timezone could encounter saving error (end date is before start date).
Priority ids were incorrectly saved and after reload of gantt, some tasks could not be saved.
Scroll to today function fixed (after gantt is loaded, position is set as near to today date as possible.
First version of standalone RedmineX Gantt plugin.